Ingyenes szállítás!! a címről 16 000,00 Ft
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Mary Rose - Hibiszkusz (szirmok) 1 kg
Mary Rose - Hibiszkusz (szirmok) 1 kg
Mary Rose - Hibiszkusz (szirmok) 1 kg
Mary Rose - Hibiszkusz (szirmok) 1 kg
Mary Rose - Hibiszkusz (szirmok) 1 kg
Mary Rose - Hibiszkusz (szirmok) 1 kg

Mary Rose - Hibiszkusz (szirmok) 1 kg

  • Hibiscus is an exotic plant native to Africa and Asia. An infusion of hibiscus is characterised by a sour, refreshing taste.
Nettó tömeg
7 520,00 Ft
ÁFÁ-val együtt / tétel
A legalacsonyabb ár 30 nappal az akció előtt:
Egységár7 520,00 Ft / kg
Expressz pénztár 1-Click(regisztráció nélkül)
14 napok visszaküldésre
Biztonságos vásárlás
Vásárlás után megkapja a következőket 626.67 pts.

Hibiscus, also known as mallow, is an exotic plant native to Africa and Asia. Thanks to its sour taste, the dried plant is used in mixtures with teas and herbs.

Additional information:

Ingredients: 100% hibiscus

Net weight: 1000g

Produced for: Venusti Sp. z o.o.

Country of origin: Egypt

Best before: expiry date and batch number on the package

Brand’s website:

Hibiscus - how to prepare an infusion?

Hibiscus can be prepared as an infusion or added in small amounts to tea or mixed herbs. You can prepare an infusion of hibiscus by pouring a teaspoon of dried flowers with water (about 200 ml) at a temperature of 90 Celsius degrees. Leave the infusion to brew under a lid for about 3-5 minutes. Hibiscus can be also poured with cold or tepid water - then pour a little more of dried petals and set aside for at least 15 minutes. After the brewing, strain the drink from the grounds.

Mary Rose – unique, natural, dried edible flowers

Dried edible flowers from Mary Rose brand are high quality products, specially selected and sourced from the best suppliers around the world. They delight and encourage to awaken the creativity hidden in everyone.

The Mary Rose edible flowers can be used as:

  • Stand-alone infusion ingredient.
  • Additional ingredient to tea, yerba mate or mixed herbs.
  • Ingredient of dishes.
  • Beautiful, inspiring decoration of dishes.
  • Natural food colouring.
  • Decoration for handmade candles, soaps and cosmetics.
  • Many, many more - it's all about your creativity!

Mary Rose - quality, responsibility and this what is the best for you

Why you should choose Mary Rose?

  • Mary Rose products are characterised by high quality. The guarantee is our personal supervision of each stage of their production. We make sure that the product you get in your hands is the best it can be.
  • We care that the products are healthy and good for people and the surrounding environment, that their production is not harmful to the nature we love.
  • We only offer what we would choose for ourselves and our loved ones. What we like and consider valuable.
  • Mary Rose products are the result of cooperation with only trusted suppliers, who share our views on respecting the environment and ensuring decent working conditions for their employees.
  • Each product is packaged in a practical cardboard box, fitted with a window that allows you to see the product exactly as it is.
  • The aesthetic label, designed in matching colour tones, looks beautiful on the kitchen shelf.
Termelői kód
Termelői kód
Nettó tömeg
Mary Rose
További információ
A termék földimogyorót, dióféléket, gluténtartalmú gabonaféléket tartalmazhat.
Száraz és hűvös helyen tárolandó.
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Lengyelország NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876

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