Ingyenes szállítás!! a címről 16 000,00 Ft
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Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg
Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg
Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg
Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg
Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg
Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg
Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg
Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg

Rio Parana Elaborada Con Palo 0,5 kg

  • Rio Parana Elaborada con Palo is the classic variant of the Argentine brand, which is pure yerba mate without additives. Dry product consists of medium-cut, pale green leaves of Ilex paraguariensis, a distinct amount of twigs and dust.
Nettó tömeg
Rio Parana íze
4 120,00 Ft
ÁFÁ-val együtt / tétel
A legalacsonyabb ár 30 nappal az akció előtt:
Egységár8 240,00 Ft / kg
Expressz pénztár 1-Click(regisztráció nélkül)
14 napok visszaküldésre
Biztonságos vásárlás
Vásárlás után megkapja a következőket 343.33 pts.

Try yerba mate Rio Parana and take yourself to a completely different place – to the very heart of South America. Feel the serenity and simplicity of the Argentine idyll!

Rio Parana Elaborada con Palo is the classic variant of the Argentine brand, which is pure yerba mate without additives. Dry product consists of medium-cut, pale green leaves of Ilex paraguariensis, a distinct amount of twigs and dust. The aroma wafting from the pack brings to mind the smell of hay drying in the hot sun and smoke from a bonfire. The taste also has smoky notes and a slight bitterness. This is a tasty, intense yerba mate, but gentle enough not to alienate beginners.

Rio Parana – a taste of Argentine tradition

Rio Parana is a novelty on the yerba mate market. Although the brand was created recently, it is based on the Argentine tradition of processing Ilex paraguariensis, which has been cultivated for hundreds of years. It grows out of the experience of yerba mate masters passed down from generation to generation. In each packet you will find a top quality product, full of ambiguous flavour and aroma.

  • Rio Parana combines all the best qualities of traditional Argentine yerba mate.
  • It is produced on a sun-filled plantation located in the Río Paraná basin, in Misiones, Argentina.
  • Thanks to the traditional Argentinian processing method, Rio Parana acquires a unique depth and character. It is characterised by bitterness and smoky notes, yet has a pleasant, delicate flavour.
  • Each Rio Parana pack is a high quality product. The dry mate consists of pale green leaves, twigs and dust, that deliver a solid dose of caffeine.
  • Maximum simplicity and a return to tradition – this is the motto of the Rio Parana brand. In the flavoured variants, the amount of additives is perfectly balanced so as to emphasise, rather than drown out, the natural flavour of yerba mate.


100% yerba mate

Additional informations:

Net weight: 500g

Manufactured for: Venusti Sp. z o.o.

Country of Origin: Argentina

Best before: expiry date and batch number on the package

Brand’s website:

Termelői kód
Termelői kód
Nettó tömeg
További információ
A termék földimogyorót, dióféléket, gluténtartalmú gabonaféléket tartalmazhat.
A yerba mate erőssége
közepesen stimuláló (3/5)
A yerba mate keserűsége
kiegyensúlyozott yerba mate, érezhető keserűséggel (3/5)
Száraz és hűvös helyen tárolandó.
Elkészítési módszer
Öntsön vizet 80° C-nál nem magasabb hőmérsékleten.
A yerba matéban lévő por mennyisége
alacsony portartalom
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Lengyelország NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876

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