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Szibériai ginzeng (gyökér) 1 kg

Szibériai ginzeng (gyökér) 1 kg

  • Siberian ginseng is a unique plant, native to Southeast Asia. It is an intriguing alternative to traditional ginseng. For centuries, it has been appreciated for its values, aiding in achieving balance and harmony.
11 850,00 Ft
ÁFÁ-val együtt / tétel
A legalacsonyabb ár 30 nappal az akció előtt:
Egységár11 850,00 Ft / kg
Expressz pénztár 1-Click(regisztráció nélkül)
14 napok visszaküldésre
Biztonságos vásárlás
Vásárlás után megkapja a következőket 987.50 pts.

Siberian ginseng is a unique plant, native to Southeast Asia. Its root has played an important role in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, dating back as far as 4000 years. The unique qualities of ginseng are especially appreciated by people who experience stress, are intellectually active or need to improve concentration. Although siberian ginseng is not related to panax ginseng, it shares many similarities with it. Siberian ginseng is characterised by a pleasant, woody aroma and a bittersweet aftertaste, which makes it a perfect match with the taste of various herbal-based infusions, teas and yerba mate. This unusual plant is an intriguing alternative to traditional ginseng, and its value has been recognised throughout the ages, helping people to achieve balance and harmony of mind and body.

Additional information:

Ingredients: 100% siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)

Net weight: 1000g

Produced for: Venusti Sp. z o.o.

Country of origin: China

Best before: expiry date and batch number on the package

Siberian ginseng - how to use?

Siberian ginseng can be consumed as an infusion – pour 1-2 tablespoons of the raw material over a glass of boiling water and steep for about 45 minutes. Siberian ginseng can also be added in small amounts as an addition to an herbal infusion, tea or yerba mate.

Termelői kód
Termelői kód
Nettó tömeg
Száraz és hűvös helyen tárolandó.
További információ
A termék földimogyorót, dióféléket, gluténtartalmú gabonaféléket tartalmazhat.
Importőr / felelős szervezet
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Lengyelország NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876

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